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The Hospitality of Hyman’s Seafood: A Distinctly Charleston Attitude

Entrance to Hyman's Seafood restaurant in Charleston, South Carolina

Let me first say, I did not receive sponsorship from Hyman’s Seafood restaurant for this review. I think it’s important to note this fact, because that should let you know that the following review was not biased by any pre-arranged professional courtesies. In other words, I just feel compelled to write this out of a very authentic sense of gratitude for the very unique southern hospitality found at Hyman’s Seafood restaurant in Charleston, South Carolina.

You see, rather rudely on my part, we had a change of plans prior to our visit. I did not update the owners that we may not be able to make it to the restaurant after all. As it turned out, we were able to eat there during our stay in Charleston. Still, I figured it would be discourteous to show up unannounced and expect staff to set aside time for an interview.

Given its elaborate decadence reminiscent of the Roaring 20’s, Charleston has (fairly or not) been labeled with a bit of pretentiousness at times. I was prepared for an element of such self-importance and elitism throughout my stay in Charleston, though rarely encountered it. This much is certain, you can safely leave pretention at the door when you stroll into Hyman’s Seafood.

Charleston, South Carolina dining
Fried Green Tomatoes from Hyman’s Seafood in Charleston, S. Carolina

A Southern Hospitality Greeting

We were greeted upon arrival by courteous staff who guided us up the well-worn wooden stairs to a table next to the window overlooking historic Charleston. The building certainly felt in place amongst its surroundings, with classic lined buildings of Charleston on all sides.

While perusing the broad seafood menu, the owner himself Eli Hyman came over to our table to welcome us. As many owners and managers may do from time to time, he asked how our dining experience was going and if we had any concerns. Then, something much more unique happened.

He asked about us. My family. How we were doing, what we were looking forward to, how our kids were doing. The focus shifted from him asking typical “manager questions” exclusively about aspects of the business that might benefit the company, to asking about the most important part of any business…the customer.

It felt genuine. The kids appreciated it too, as he kindly shared ice cream tickets for the Hyman’s General Store downstairs.

As if that interaction were not already pleasant enough, Mr. Hyman pointed us to the pre-printed cards in the middle of the table. Here, the card outlined the intentional culture of caring found within the Hymans’s Seafood Motto. It was about attitude and choice, how they combine to guide a sense of purpose, and how this attitude is imbued in seemingly every staff member. For more on Positive Psychology, check out this Psychology of Travel article.

Delicious platter of seafood in Charleston
Delicious seafood plate at Hyman’s Seafood

Charleston’s True Dining Experience

The interaction with Mr. Hyman struck me so much, I was still dwelling on his messages of positivity and care for people when a complimentary plate of Boom Boom Shrimp arrived at our table. I began to correct the server that we had not ordered this colorful appetizer. He politely informed me that Mr. Hyman had sent it specifically for us.

Trust me, we enjoyed it! Much as we enjoyed a selection of fried haddock, shrimp, Chilean seabass croquettes, fried green tomatoes, all expertly crafted in presentation and made to savor. I take it as a personal challenges to finish my whole plate whenever I receive large portion sizes. However, even I had to push it given the generosity of serving sizes.

The most amazing part of all was that the carefully cultured customer care seemed to extend to every guest in the restaurant. It wasn’t about attempting to please a travel blogger for positive press. I got the sense that the experience would be similar on any day. We didn’t just get lucky with a particularly excellent waitstaff or caught the owner on a “good” day.

True customer service, absolutely delicious food, and a very unique attitude of people over profit makes Hyman’s Seafood a particular delight. It has become a lost art to put people first, which made the experience all the more enjoyable.

When you find yourself in Charleston, do not leave until you’ve visited Hyman’s Seafood. The Hyman’s Seafood Motto will inevitably rub off on you too, as their attitude of hospitality inspires you to carry kindness with you even after you depart.

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Happy Travels,

Dr. L

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