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Psychology of Travel Book

Cover image of painting of a woman in white dress looking over balcony to the beach at sunset for the book titled Psychology of Travel a Concise Compilation of Travel Psychology Topics

Do you love the psychology of travel?

Want to learn more about the hottest travel psychology topics?

Well, you’re in luck. Come check out our Ebook Psychology of Travel: A Concise Compilation of Travel Psychology Topics! It’s jam packed with your favorite articles based on all your feedback and comments about the things you loved to read about. It’s a travel book at heart with practical psychological insights about travel mixed throughout.

Topics include an overview of the mental health benefits of travel, an exploration of travel addiction and travel withdrawal, the psychology of travel planning, a guide to Guided Imagery for travelers, and more!

Click to go to the Kindle store for more details and to get your copy today!

For more, sign up for the free Psychology of Travel Newsletter, and comment on the book below for your fellow travelers!

Happy Travels,

Dr. L

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