Leaving many in Italy aghast, I drink cappuccino at night. There, I said it. Though typically considered a morning drink by it’s Italian founders, I’ve broken with tradition to include it in my nighttime routine. Let me tell you why you should drink cappuccino at night as well.
When returning back to the States after a visit to Italy, I had plenty of discussions with my wife about life lessons learned over the course of our travels. She offered profound insights into how the cultural experiences had shaped her perspectives, and planned to carry those insights with delicate implementation in her life back home.
My take-home message? Drink cappuccino. Plenty of it. Mostly at night.
Nighttime Espresso
The appeal goes beyond the frothy taste though. What I found was that cappuccino became intimately tied with my memories of our recent amazing European vacation.
Every sip would take me back to the villa on that green sloping hillside. Each whiff of espresso held me by the hand just as my daughters did as we sprinted for the about-to-leave Italian train. Holding the warm cup in my hand would soothe me like the sun over the hotel’s rooftop pool in the Italian Riviera.
Once I returned home, the only thing that I changed about my Italian cappuccino routine was the time of day I consumed it.
Shifting from European norms of morning-time imbibement, at home I found that my daily rush in the morning didn’t allow for quite the serenity I had enjoyed with each cup when in Italy. So, I tried it at night.
Updating a Tradition
My family still doesn’t understand how I can have a concentrated caffeinated concoction before bedtime, but I caved to my constant cravings and something surprising happened to my sleep. Absolutely nothing.
I could still fall asleep as if I had just had a bowl of ice cream. Maybe I’m weird.
Maybe you are too, though? Have you tried cappuccino at nighttime? I wouldn’t advise it if you have insomnia or caffeine-related health problems.
This is a simply a suggestion to consider something in your life out of the norm from how people normally do things because…because…because you might find something you enjoy by tweaking something others enjoy.
Don’t be afraid to try something new, or in a new way, manner, or place. Embrace and respect the traditions of a culture. Still, consider that there may be ways to fuse what you’ve learned in a way that is both respectful to the tradition and made even better (at least, better for you).
It’s getting late. I’m getting thirsty.
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